HELLO 2E :D How's holiday ? okays , i've changed the blogskin and some music for entertainment(: haha ! hope you guys love it :D i've only linked myself , if you wanna be linked , give me a comment(: i will do it for you . Okays , study hard people ! steaming is coming , like the vice principle said the day will come and go , so just do your best and get into the subject(: Please don't give up right now , there is still light :D Don't miss the chance(: Grab it , and you will become a popular person in the future , i bet you would ! espcially jessica , my words to you is , please work hard , don't think of love , single is it that bad you know :D eventhough i like someone , but study is still first (: i wanna get my dream . thats the purpose for study ! Please , don't ever think of those ideals anymore , it would ruin your future ! :D and lastly , don't daydream anymore , go study , having a O level cert is better than having a PSLE or N level cert (:
Please !:D Shall go :D bye:D enjoy your day , SYULYNN(:
HELLOS emoelephants :D i tooo tooo lazy to change the blogskin , & so sorry . Enjoy your holidays ? or still in holiday mood ? Well , me too :x anyways , have you guys done your project ? PLEASE PLEASE do ! 30% of your CA2 ! Not bluff-ing ! Well , i shall type out everyone for those who lost the paper .
Project details - Students to work in groups on the project.(2-3 students per group) - Students to come out with powerpoint slides for the presentation . - Students to come out with a demonstration on the project.(Optional) - Projects will be assessed and made up 30% of CA2
Things include 1. What is Dispersion of white light ? 2. What causes white light ? 3. How is rainbow formed ? 4. List down the order of the colour spectrum . 5. To come out with a catchy phrase to enable people to easily recall the order of the colour spectrum . 6. What causes the white light to be refracted into the different colours of light ? 7. how to recombine the colour spectrum to the form white light again ?
Assessment Criteria - Accuracy for contents - Multimedia Files like pictures , photographs , videos etc - Presentation
DEADLINE 24June2008
Presentations to be carried out in the first week of term 3 during science lessons .
We are sec2E, and we love each other alot!
&We are one for all, all for one.
Nothing can express how much we love each other.
It's a million love! :D
We totally love getting high together and laughing all around like we are insane.
We might look naughty, but actually we are great! :D
Don't look us by the cover, we are very very good. (:
We love eating, sweets, chips, chocolates and we share it around! :D
Shouting, screaming in the class is what we like to do when having F-U-NNNNNNN :D
Seriously, we love each other. Damn damn lots. :D
&This is what we call, L-O-V-E = 2E. The most lovely class. (:
&&&No Vulgarities.
No Spamming and no scolding(:
Respect what is written(:
Please do not quarrel here.
The rating for this blog is PG, please be 13 years old then you can view(:
We only wants ..
Class t-shirt.
Love each other more&more. Everyone promote to sec3 together!