Well, the time has come where 2E will be seperated. There is no doubt that each of us have made an impact in each other's lives. We will all be going to different classes. I actually cant bear to see 2E separated like that. But we will still see each other next year and we have to keep in contact! i mean, we arent all leaving school nxt year. We will still see each other around,but, we might not be as close as before. Very sad. Today was sad, when everyone sat in the classroom,hearing which class they will be in next year. Alot of people are going to be separated from their friends next year,including me. Some people started crying and seriously i dont blame them. Two years we have been together, through thick and thin, our friendship still remained. One thing i really loved about our class is that there are no cliques in our class,we have no hatred for one another, we might argue sometimes, but truthfully. We all love each other very much. Everyone is friends with one another, oh and congratulations to Delvin for getting highest in the WHOLE secondary two normal academic!(: This post is going to be long,sentimental reasons,so please bear with me. I remember coming to 1E last year, my first friend was my sayang jundah. Through Jundah i met many wonderful people and developed close frindships with them and i love them very much.I think we should all also be grateful to Mr Wimal. He has been a very supportive teacher and he always tries to act tough but everyone knows hes a very nice guy who has been like a big brother to all of us. So Mr Wimal if you ever read this and i highly doubt so, i think i can say on behalf of every 2E student, thank you mr wimal for all that you have done for us, giving us discipline when we needed it and joking around with us. All the best for next year whichever class your gonna take. Next year maybe we might have 2E 08 gatherings? hehe illegal gatherings. woah! :D maybe next year we all book a chalet. Maybe next year, we will all make new friends or get to know someone you've known this year even better. I really have to say i love 2E alot, and im more sad when we are getting separated next year than when i was p6 and me and my friends were all going to different schools. That just shows how much i love 2e. I would really love it if people come and post about the class on this blog now. Dont let this blog die!
We are sec2E, and we love each other alot!
&We are one for all, all for one.
Nothing can express how much we love each other.
It's a million love! :D
We totally love getting high together and laughing all around like we are insane.
We might look naughty, but actually we are great! :D
Don't look us by the cover, we are very very good. (:
We love eating, sweets, chips, chocolates and we share it around! :D
Shouting, screaming in the class is what we like to do when having F-U-NNNNNNN :D
Seriously, we love each other. Damn damn lots. :D
&This is what we call, L-O-V-E = 2E. The most lovely class. (:
&&&No Vulgarities.
No Spamming and no scolding(:
Respect what is written(:
Please do not quarrel here.
The rating for this blog is PG, please be 13 years old then you can view(:
We only wants ..
Class t-shirt.
Love each other more&more. Everyone promote to sec3 together!